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Topic: 1 John 1:4 (2 Posts)

Message: 1 John 1:4
The site has the verse containing ἡμῶν instead of υμων. Big difference between "us" and "you". Can this be fixed?
Message: Re: 1 John 1:4
υμων does appear as an alternate reading in the marginal apparatus of the printed Robinson-Pierpont text, but the main text has ἡμῶν. Likewise, the online NA/UBS text at the German Bible Society website has ἡμῶν: 4καὶ ταῦτα γράφομεν ἡμεῖς, ἵνα ἡ χαρὰ ἡμῶν ᾖ πεπληρωμένη.