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Topic: Accuracy of Sinaiticus Text in Tobit (2 Posts)

Message: Accuracy of Sinaiticus Text in Tobit
The Sinaiticus version of Tobit 11:4 is not accurate to actual manuscript.
Message: Re: Accuracy of Sinaiticus Text in Tobit
The CATSS text is maintained by the Center for Computer Analysis of Texts (CCAT) at the University of Pennsylvania. The CATSS text does differ from the transcription of Tobit 11:4 online at [I've bolded were the CATSS text differs]: εν ω ερχονται κ(αι) επορευθηϲαν αμ φοτεροι κοινωϲ και ειπεν αυτω λα βε μετα χειραϲ τη χολην και ϲυνηλ θεν αυτοιϲ ο κϲ εκ των οπιϲω αυτου και του υϊου αυτηϲ CATSS text is available here: