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"every" high priest

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Here the word "every" is a straightforward Gr. intensive perfect (a.k.a. resultative perfect). As such it (1) either emphasises the results of a past action, or (2) emphasises the present state produced by a past action. 

At the time the author was writing the book of Hebrews, the high priest was human. This was both the result of past actions, and the ongoing practice thereof. Noteworthy is that here in chapter 5, all the requirements for serving as high priest are drawn from past actions/practice and are being applied to Christ. Foremost among these is the unequivocal requirement that a high priest must be human. 

A high priest typically stands between God and worshippers. As an intermediary he is both seperate to, and removed from both, he is the link or conduit. There are at least two immutable truths to be found here. (1) A high priest must be human, without exception! Only a human can officiate for humans. A spirit, eg an angel, or deity cannot fulfill this role. (2) If the Son is deity he cannot officiate as high priest on his own behalf. As a member of the Godhead he cannot mediate for himself. This is in line with 1 Tim 2:5, where the Christ is seen as a man mediating on behalf of mankind even after his ascension and glorification.