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the translation of Ap. John's term "Logos" needs to be corrected. Logos is not the word nor the speech but a cause as Person
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the translation of Ap. John's term "Logos" needs to be corrected. Logos is not the word nor the speech but a cause as Person

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The first English translation of the term "logos" got based on Vulgate, a Latin translation of the Bible and the first one which translated the Greek "ΛΟΓΟΣ" to the Latin "verbum" (root of English "verb"), while also arbitrarily changing the respective preposition from "towards God" to "with God".
The "verbum"/"word" in Vulgate constitutes a dogmatic twist, because if "logos" was to be understood as verb/speech, then the separate personality of Christ would be lost. We would then be left with a dogmatic twist which supports the triple perception of a single being, instead of the objective interpretation which reveals the personality of God's son, as the cause of creation or the one whom God appointed to create the world and execute the whole will of God, being at the time the creation of the world and later the new generation of the eternally living children of God. If we were to express the overall meaning in English, we would say that god Logos orients himself towards kind cooperation with Father God.
The whole problem begun after the apostolic times, when Greek priests changed the true meaning of the One and only God to the unknown triune god. So after this dogmatic invasion, a general (catholik) universal trinitarian brainwashing to almost all dogmatic theologians took place.

During the 3rd century AD, a biased dogma dominated by priests like Athanasios and others who intercepted the apostolic succession, imposed that God was a trinity, and so the majority of people could not comprehend that beside God the Father there was also another person who was in the form of god, named Λόγος/Logos, the only Son of God as The Reason-Cause of God's Creation, the One through whom God created everything.

We have to ask: Why all the foreign translators did not translate the term "logos" as a Cause of Creation, as a god the only Son of God, as a separate divine Person from The One and Only Unique God, but they chose to translate Λόγος as God's speech/word?

The concept of trinity was existent in some circles of the Western Church, from where Athanasius imported it to the Eastern Church. Sir Isaac Newton found out about that and realized that the original faith in the unique God of Abraham and of our Lord Jesus Christ got substituted by the artificial concept of a triune god.
The religional but not Spiritual dogma of trinity was a priori, a law that everyone had no right to challenge upon penalty of rejection from the synagogue and heretical stigma. No spiritual doubt on Trinity affair was permissible by anyone! But this triune agnosticism about God did the total brain wash of the trinitarian people, that they could not understand the meaning of apostle John that Christ was not God's speech, nor the same with His Father, but He was in a form of god (He had divine nature) and He was in front of His Father God / towards God as a benevolent assistant of the Most High God His Father, ready to carry out the inspiration of the UNIQUE Almighty God, ready to do the will of His God. And His Father's will was the creation of the world through him.

In the ancient Greek text we read in John 1:1:
"εν αρχη ην ο λογος και ο λογος ην προς τον θεον και θεος ην ο λογος"
We can get closer the point saying: "In the beginning was the Cause/Reason, and the Cause/Reason was to or towards God (instead of "Word was with God" as in the English translation) , and the Cause/Reason was god".
We read carefully that: “ god logos was to/towards God , not "logos of God ”!

The way apostle John used the term "logos", implies that his initial readers were familiar with its meaning, because he didn't provide any explanation of it. Instead, he wrote to them that what they already knew as "logos".Logos was o philosophical sense in ancient Greeks about a primary cause of beings. So Ap.John says that this primary cause wasn't an idea or something vague idealistic like that...but A person ,The Christ who had came in flesh and blood,who was before all creation as god and was a separate person, because he was not the possessive "of God" (like "word" would be, as translated in the English bibles) but the directional “towards God”. 

The preposition "towards" declares direction face to face, person to person in direction, which means that the god Logos is a separate person from God His Father. The meaning of LOGOS in ancient was the primary CAUSE of creation! In this case apostle John says that the Logos was God and was also Christ before the world got created by Him. The only Son of God had a position facing God His Father. He was looking to His Farther God. So Logos was not the speech or word of God, because the speech cannot be separate, looking at a person who is talking! So the correct translation is: O ΛΟΓΟΣ/LOGOS =THE CAUSE/REASON and not the WORD/SPEECH.

Logos has the meaning of the Cause of all creation as a divine Person who is the only-begotten Son of God. The authorised person who got the command to create the world and who realized the inspiration of the Almighty God His Father. Christ is the cause of the old creation and also the cause of the new generation, which is the eternal salvation of the sons of God.That is true because It's wtitten"...and being made perfect, he became the cause of eternal salvation to all who obey him, having been addressed by God as the archpriest, according to the order of Melchisedek" (Hebr. 5:9-10).

In Psalms (33:9) we read (KJV): "For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast." or (NET, used henceforth): "For he spoke, and it came into existence, he issued the decree, and it stood firm." The word for "commanded" in Septuagint is the word "ενετείλατο", which means that God, the Father of Christ, gave a command of His will about the creation of the world to be realized by His only-begotten Son. Therefore, the meaning of the first expression "he spoke" is specified by the second expression as "he commanded".

This is another reason why "Logos" in "Logos was god" (in the beginning of Ap. John's gospel) shouldn't be translated as "Word" or "Speech". We should understand the actual meaning, that Logos was a person in the form of god and the authorized person to build the whole Creation. We read about that in Hebrews (3:1-3): "[...] Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess, who is faithful to the one who appointed him, as Moses was also in God’s house. For he has come to deserve greater glory than Moses, just as the builder of a house deserves greater honor than the house itself!"
Our conclusion can be: In the beginning there was no triune god nor three gods, but only two divine persons. The first person was God the Most High, the heavenly Father, and towards Him was the second person called Logos, who was God's only-begotten Son. Logos was Christ before the creation of the world and he was the Reason of the first creation, as well as the Reason of the new eternal salvation, which is the new generation of the brothers of Christ, as the new sons of God.

Therefore, the translation of Ap. John's term "Logos" needs to be corrected. Logos is not the word nor the speech. By maintaining this translation, we reproduce a dogmatic suggestion and we prevent the spiritual understanding and thus the knowledge of the Truth. We need to restore our "reasonable service", which Christ expects by all His disciples. A proper translation of "Logos" would be "the logical primary cause/reason" of the Creation, as a separate divine person (the only-begotten Son of God), who serves as a benevolent cooperator to his Father God's will.