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Re: Accuracy of Sinaiticus Text in Tobit
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Re: Accuracy of Sinaiticus Text in Tobit

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The CATSS text is maintained by the Center for Computer Analysis of Texts (CCAT) at the University of Pennsylvania. The CATSS text does differ from the transcription of Tobit 11:4 online at CodexSinaiticus.org [I've bolded were the CATSS text differs]:

εν ω ερχονται κ(αι) 
επορευθηϲαν αμ
φοτεροι κοινωϲ 
και ειπεν αυτω λα
βε μετα χειραϲ τη
χολην και ϲυνηλ
θεν αυτοιϲ ο κϲ εκ 
των οπιϲω αυτου 
και του υϊου αυτηϲ


CATSS text is available here:
